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Auditions for parts can be somewhat unnerving, and oftentimes the anticipation of such an event can be the most debilitating part of it all and worse than the event itself! FEAR= "Future Events Appearing Real".

Once you get through it, you can breathe a sigh of relief and say "Well... that was easy!" or you can begin the post-mortem process of deconstructing the flaws and wishing you'd "just spent a little more time on that one part". The moral of the story is that *if* you go in well-prepared,  you will be more relaxed and comfortable and have a much better experience than if you do not.

"Fail to Plan == Plan to Fail"

Here are a few pointers to get you started on the road to nailing your part and getting the callbacks. There are no shortcuts to being exceptional in your chosen endeavor, but there's a few simple "Do's and Dont's" that can clear the road and allow you to stay on course.


  • Choose a song similar in style and range to the part you are auditioning for.

  • Bring sheet music that is:

    • In the correct key.
    • Specific markings (if any) notated.
    • Taped together accordion-style or in a binder (a local music store can print selections for you)

  • Communicate (quietly) your tempo to the pianist.

  • Know the song title and composer!

  • Have your song memorized and internalized.

  • Rehearse with a pianist and bring them if you wish.

  • Sing in front of a mirror.

  • Sing your song every day, many times a day.

  • Use your phone or a video camera to record yourself singing daily and take note of your trouble spots.

  • Increase your vitamin C / Water intake and stay hydrated!

  • Get plenty of rest the night before.


  • Choose a song from the show.

  • Bring music in a thick book or single loose sheets.

  • Choose a song too difficult for the pianist.

  • ...Stop if you make a mistake. Shrug it off!

  • Wait until the last minute to practice. Know thy part!

  • Consume dairy 24 hours before the audition.

  • Stress out!

The Day Of Your Audition...

  • Take a warm shower and lightly tap your chest to loosen any mucus.

  • Warm up slowly, low to high.

  • Warm up your whole body.

  • Drink warm liquids, keep your cords warm and hydrated.

  • Walk with confidence and poise and sing out!

  • Keep your talking to a minimum.

Common Questions

  • "Can I play an instrument when I sing?"
  • You can as long as it's not distracting from what you are really there for, the vocal audition. If you're fluent enough to pull both duties then yes, go for it. 

  • "Can I sing Acapella?"
  • Yes, but it's better to sing accompanied because that demonstrates the ability to work as a member of a unit, be it two people or two hundred. 

  • "Can I dance when I sing?"
  • It's better that you don't because too much undulation can distract from the specific reason you're there. That doesn't mean to stand stoic as a statue, movement is fine. 

  • "Can I ask the pianist to transpose by sight?"
  • No. Come prepared with the music in the correct key so as to make it as clear as possible for everyone.

  • "Should audition songs be gender-specific?"
  • No. If you can own it and make it your own, then by all means go for it. It's your spirit that you are transmitting as well as your vocal prowess. Stand up in it!

  • "Can I sing an original song?"
  • Again, if you can own it and bring it, then yes, indubitably! 
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