Ebey Island Freedom Fest has come and gone and like many of you, I am left feeling like we all just had a huge shot in our arm. Just the simple fact that Jim and Donna Marie open up their home to all of us for not one or two days, but a whole week shows how big their hearts are.
As a band leader, I am honored and humbled to have been asked to bring a show to this stage for the second year in a row and we wanted to bring something special not only to the audience, but as a thank you to Jim and Donna Marie and to all the volunteers that made this festival possible as well.
I want to thank everyone that watched our show and for singing and dancing along with us. Your energy was infectious and helped make our show a success.
It was so special to listen to you as you sang “Hallelujah “ with us. To see outstretched arms, people holding one another, and the love we felt was undeniable. It was incredibly moving to hear your collective voices singing to Jim and I thank you for allowing us to take you on that journey. For me, it will remain the highlight of our show.
Finally, I want to thank our band for all of their hard work in preparing for our show. I realize it was a huge ask, but in true professional style they delivered. I would have never been able to do any of this without them and they deserve to be recognized.
We are all part of a very special community and I feel extremely blessed to play even a small role in it As our band looks forward to our next event, I want to thank you for all of your encouraging words. It means a lot.
“Hugs are one of the reasons God gave us arms. So, stretch out your arms to someone today. Reach out to those you love. It will warm the heart of the giver and give light to the soul of the recipient.”
Ebey Island Freedom Fest
2018 Freedom Fest